To the game then, the scenario I played was of a radio broadcast been played about a town where there is safety and a pick up point to a zombie free zone, it did not mention military or goverment but it sounded professional. 4 groups took the bait, 2 less than savoury groups (King Willies Voodoo Posse and Sally's Sicko's) and 2 normal survivor groups (Shaun's Sheep and Max's Groupies). My initial plan was for the groups to clash (bad guys vs good guys especially with the players screwing each other over) with a little zombie action on the side, no chance, people immeadiately forget everything when the first zombie appears and 2 groups even started sharing resources ( I was stunned but not really there were a lot of zombie traps).
I had drawn a map of the area liberally scattered with items like fuel, ammo, medicine and food (food 4 points, ammo 3 points, meds 2 points and fuel 1 point) hidden in buildings, vehicles and body bags etc.... , this was discussed beforehand with the players as to what was the most valuable to them if they were ever in this situation for real? (Do you agree with the priority given to certain items?). Zombies were placed in cargo containers and other locations which were triggered when searched and for the first time ragers and dogs aswell.
Richard (Shaun) triggered the first two containers and fought for his life losing 3 members of his party before he could put distance between himself and the zombies, Stuart (Max) was lucky and made good progress but no kills until he triggered the diner and the dogs, Ray (Sally) triggered a rager cargo container and got Sally and one other member dead in minutes before he could disengage, Lee (King Willy) walked by his greatest danger an apartment full of goodies but also a zombie spawn paint and had a quiet time until he found the military compound and his doom ( from zombies initially but ultimately the parasol group maybe?).
The game lasted about two hours until Richard had to go and others were waning due to been knackered after the show, food and the game. Postie won by one point (31) over Richard (30). Lee (18) and Ray (14), the players were allowed to pick the group of their choice and come in where they wanted also while I was in the house doing something else. Some parts of the map were more dangerous than other parts, one of items to be found was my map of the town with all areas marked up and locations of all traps.
When Lee found the Parasol warehouse he triggered a message and was told to await rescue and safety which he would never have (cue maniacal laughter) as the men in hazmat suits would appear near his location.The zombie killers were Haley a foundry SWAT member with machine pistol , little Lucy a hasslefree child with baseball bat and dustbin lid and a Spalding figure from the Devils Rejects with a shotgun.
Pictures and captions below, the next game will probably be in the underground parasol facility.
Initial pictures of the city, a lot of roofs removed due to fire damage but to mainly help with the searching.
Another view of the city, moved a lot of buildings around for a different view and introduced some different stuff.
The gangs/groups start to appear.....
....and begin the search, poor old Richard about to have a bad day.
After searching two containers, zombies everywhere.
Ray after triggering the ragers, I put zombies on top of containers to signify container has more to give (cue mor maniacal laughter).
Postie with his easy trip to begin with but not for long.
Lee and his posse and non triggered apartment block behind him, I had no luck with that.
The parasol warehouse and CCTV monitors and computer equipment.
Lee heading and measuring to his ultimate doom.
Richard escaping the massacre.
Lee in the parasol warehouse after triggering the message with his posse following, the tokens represent items found items like fuel and ammo.
A spawn point discharges more zombies.
Zombies everywhere.
Ray's group in sight but they got away..........
Not a lot of pictures but it was the day of the 3 cameras and being a sick, tired and demented GM trying to kill off his friends.
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