Saturday, February 19, 2011

Knowledge Illuminates by Tim Shorts, an RPG rules adventure.

......or just a nice guy with a passion for a bag of chips.

I will play nearly anything game or wargame related, board games, card games, wargaming, computer/games console, lobster racing etc.......but never got introduced to RPGs (role playing games) but as I say you're never too old to try anything (well almost anything).

I found Tim on his blog Gothridge Manor through another blog Porky's Expanse! (excellent blog and a complete brain feck) and through the posts and comments you found out he was producing this adventure using the rules of Swords and Wizardy and selling it on for $4.00, his wife is the editor and her blog is The Happy Whisk and is a lovely woman who bakes and has a wonder woman fixation (so do I now).

So I was given a copy of the the rule system from Tim with the idea of reviewing the rules in my hope of helping him but I would not do it if I thought something was off or wrong in my opinion. In my opinion they were excellent, they cover 15 pages,professionally put together, easy to read and the descriptions of areas like poison corridors or a goblin camp is great and descriptions of a new spell, creature the same and this is what I like and not just for this ruleset it's how people with some lines of text can conjure in your mind something that you can then see for yourself in your own mind and that is a talent, I would recommend them without conviction and I will probably source out more items like this but his blog is a good source itself.

What is wonderful to me about this is to see your name on something you sweated and poured over, is it about profit I don't think so (he gets the price of a bag of chips for everyone sold) but about his passion for the hobby. Good on him, get yourself a copy and get him a bag of chips because its only through supporting people or companies like Tim (as I have said before) that there is a gaming industry at all.

A free copy of the Swords and Wizardy rules can be found here

On a side note my non profit blog is open to reviewing your product for free. LOL :D

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