Friday, February 18, 2011

Tired Of The 'Bathroom Bill' BS

One of the things we are going to have to insist on from our allies and anyone else is that they stop using conservalanguage designed to obfuscate and lie about civil rights issues.

The conservative movement knows that if you argue about trans rights issues from strictly a logic based perspective, they overwhelmingly lose.    They searched for decades to find a one sentence way to mess with trans rights legislation and finally went back to an old standard in anti civil rights history.

The bathroom.

Just as the Jim Crow defenders tried to use fear of Black people using the bathrooms to justify segregation,  the Forces of Intolerance have taken that and infused it with other lies to use it as a weapon to deny trans citizens civil rights coverage.

It's a bull feces non credible argument, the 'bathroom predator' one.   There has been no recorded case since 1953, the year Christine Jorgenson returned to the States from Denmark to this date in the second decade of the 21st century of any ciswoman being physically attacked or sexually assaulted by a transwoman.  

We had far too many examples of the opposite thing happening, though in terms of transwomen being physically attacked in bathrooms.   We've also had far too many examples of full blown ignorance over what transpeople do in the bathroom as well.

So let Moni school you on what happens when a transwoman goes to the bathroom.

We come in, find a stall, sit down, pee, flush toilet,  readjust clothes, wash hands, check makeup if we have any on and leave.
I'm in there to relieve my bladder and get rid of feces from my colon, not find a date.

Closeted conservative politicians do that.
Another thing we've had happen far too many times is media outlets disrespectfully calling trans  civil rights legislation 'bathroom bills' .   People on the liberal-progressive need to stop using that conservaslander as well as call out any media outlet that engages in that practice..

This is not the language to use to talk about inclusive civil rights language for trans people, even if you are quoting our opponents.  It needs to stop.

Like I said, the only thing that's on my mind when I go to the bathroom is answering nature's call, not dealing with some ciswoman's unfounded transphobia or refighting for the new millennium an issue that should have died with Jim Crow segregation.

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