Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween's A'Comin'! Break Out the Scary Nails!

I wanted to share some Halloween ideas I have for nails this year! Let's start with an easy to do idea I call MollyHell's Vampire Scratch. I bought some cheap fake nails with round tips, some packs of stick on adhesive, and some of the plastic fingers they call "practice" fingers. All of this cost less than $10 at Sally Beauty. I put the peel off adhesive on the practice fingers to hold the nail, and then lightly pressed on the unpainted fake nail, lightly so you can peel it back off easily. Remember to shape the nail to fit your before you paint it. I made a nail for each finger before I painted them, I made sure to put them in order in a row so I knew which fingernail was which.

For this idea I used Orly Matte Vinyl as a base color, and Butter London Blowing Raspberries for the blood. I chose the matte black Orly because it isn't as nasty as the OPI black matte (Sephora by OPI What's a Tire Jack), because the Orly is a softer texture, and because it has no sparkle/velvet finish to it like the other mattes. You can also, of course, do this with shiny black, such as China Glaze Liquid Leather. After painting the matte black on the nail, and letting it dry (I used two coats) I took the red polish brush and thickly loaded it to dripping. I scratched the top of the nail along the brush to get a thick drop of polish on the tip, then I reattached it lightly to the fake finger, and tilted it so the nail was pointed up, with the red polish dripping down. I left it that way 24 hours. The next day I added a bit of regular glossy topcoat to the red polish, to enhance the shine. The result:

MollyHell's Vampire Scratch
MollyHell's Vampire Scratch
MollyHell's Vampire Scratch

You can fool around with the colors you use, but if you use a very dark base I don't suggest using a jelly as a drip color, as it might not show up enough. I think I'll also try neon green, to be like slime! Have fun, hope you enjoyed my idea.

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