Got a fever for the flavor of the Bieber.
Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop/R&B singer. At any given time, his name is likely to be a Twitter trending topic, or it was until Twitter banned that.Warning To Tropers: Bieber is a... polarizing artist to say the least, so try to refrain from a Justifying Edit or a Take That.This singer provides examples of:
- Bishonen / Cute Shotaro Boy - Arguably a large factor of his popularity comes from this.
- Butt Monkey: Especially noticeable from the recent 4chan pranks.
- You know you're not liked when South Park has you killed by being crushed between the fingers of popped like a zit by Cthulhu. Cruel even by their standards.
- Cake Eater: The boy is not shy about admitting his appreciation of the older chicks, and blatantly attempts to hit on them. Yet, it's the older chicks themselves who get hit full force by the fanbase.
- Canada, Eh? - Yah he's Canadian, eh? Unfortunately, due to his immense Hatedom, he has been a pretty good source of Canadian-related Misplaced Nationalism since he is from there, eh? You'll either find Canadians that are not fans of him excessively apologizing for his existence, or will be hell bent on distancing themselves from him, eh?*
- Cloud Cuckoolander
- Disproportionate Retribution - Many of his detractors dream of the day they see newspaper headlines proclaiming "Justin Bieber Eaten Alive By Polar Bear - Photography On Page 4".
- Dude Looks Like A Lady: Lampshaded. See the Super Bowl Best Buy commercial below under Self-Deprecation.
- Enemy Mine - Especially noticeable during the September 1st assault on his video "Baby". All the hardcore Rock, Metal, and Rap fans gathered together to thumb down his video and insult him.
- This trope really matches well with the rappers and metalheads, who have had a notorious long-standing rivalry.
- End Results: Now the video is a constant chatroom for haters and trolls. At least 10 new comments a minute. Go there for a cheap laugh. Also, there are now 400,000 likes and 800,000 dislikes.
- And now they are planing on doing it his next birthday.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait - His fans consider him highly attractive and adorable.
- Irony - The statistics for the "Baby" video reveal that it's actually popular with Males who are 13-17 or 35-45, due to the large number of haters attacking that video, but then again, they were probably the rappers and metalheads there to dislike it.
- Little Boy Blue Note: Subverted. He looks and sounds like he's yet to reach puberty, but in all actuality, he's seventeen. But prior to that, it was played straight: "Never Say Never" featured clips from videos dating back to kindergarten which showed him singing and playing various instruments.
- Karma Houdini: Apparently, Bieber chucked a water balloon at a police officer
and got away with it. It didn't help that this is classified under assaulting a police officer, an offense punishable with jail time.
- Moral Myopia: The fans vs the haters. Enough said.
- Not So Different - How people who prefer to just enjoy their rock/metal videos on YouTube in peace feel about both Justin Bieber fans and Justin Bieber haters who feel the need to leave such comments about him on said videos.
- Bieber himself is Not So Different from plenty of normal kids, but that doesn't stop the fandom's misconceptions that he is absolutely nothing like that creep who sits behind you in class.
- No Such Thing As Bad Publicity: Would he have been so well known if not for his Foe Yay Hate Dumb giving him free advertisement like the Fandom and Fan Dumb are? How many people heard of him through the Hate Dom and Hate Dumb who just refuses to move on.
- Older Than They Look - He's older than he sounds, too.
- Pretty Fly For A White Guy: His outfits and sometimes his manner of speech fall into this. His love of the word "shorty" deserves special mention.
- Screw The Rules, I Have Money! - On his Twitter page he posted another user's phone number, for his 4 million followers, and encouraged his followers to call it. And yet, despite this being a violation of numerous sites' TOS, his account remains active.
- This also counts as disproportionate retribution as the incident started with the other user hacking into Bieber's account and calling his phone number a couple of times.
- See Karma Houdini above.
- Self-Deprecation: This Bieber or Die
video. He's really good at it too!
- Also this Super Bowl Best Buy commercial
Stagehand: I dunno, kinda looks like a girl. The stagehand is Bieber.- Bieber recently took this to the extreme with his guest spot on CSI Crime Scene Investigation. Bieber played Jason McCann, a dangerous teenaged Bomb Throwing Anarchist. He has appeared twice so far in the series, and possibly won't come back, as his second appearance in the episode Targets of Obsession (the title itself poking fun at Bieber's superstar status) ends with his character being brutally shot eight times in the chest and killed by police at a roadblock when he appears to have a bomb-wearing hostage.
- Also this Super Bowl Best Buy commercial
- Serious Business: His hatedom takes it to immense levels.
- For the fandom, his hair.
- Signature Song: Hands down, "Baby". That is usually the only song non-fans know (other than maybe "Somebody to Love" and "U Smile")
- Stop Being Stereotypical: How sane fans and sane non-fans feel about rabid fans and rabid haters, respectively.
- Teen Wonder: He's signed to a record label, has over 460 million views on YouTube for his song "Baby"
(making it the most viewed YouTube video of all time), and his name is the first thing that comes up in YouTube's search engine when you type "J", all at the age of 16. However he also has a 'music video
that had over 1,258,820'' YouTube dislikes. Go figure.
- The Movie: A documentary on him, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never was released in theaters in 2011. And get this, it's in 3-D.
- Unfortunate Names / Name's the Same / One Mario Limit: Justin Bieber, age 36, a resident of Florida, has had his life turned into an annoying hell because of the singer. Every day he gets dozens of calls asking if he is the singer, and had his pre-existing Facebook page shut down because they thought he was an impostor. He has since gotten it back, however.
- Youtube Sensation: He actually started out his career as one posting homemade videos of himself singing as a kid. Check out his original page here
, although you'll have to scroll down a bit in the video list to find those homemade videos.
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