Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Conspiracy: Did Global Warmists Sabatoge Climate Satellites? And Was Obama Involved?

Rand Simberg has an interesting theory. He'll be the first to admit it is far-fetched, but if you told me a few years ago we would elect a full-fledged Socialist as president of the United States, and the media would fall in line directly behind him, well...

We lost a $424 million dollar climate satellite last week - Glory - when it failed to properly detach from the Taurus launch system. Hey, in space, sh*t happens. But when it happens twice, well...in space, no one can hear you sputter:

Just a little over two years ago, on February 24th, 2009, a Taurus assigned to deliver the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) met exactly the same fate, and the two lost satellites are probably sitting on the ocean floor not far from each other. After that failure, OSC conducted an investigation to determine its cause. Apparently, that investigation failed as well, because if they had discovered and fixed the problem, it’s unlikely it would have happened again on Friday.

The mission for both satellites were identical:

These two satellites were designed to take human judgement out of the monitoring and modeling loop, to provide direct and unbiased global sensor data on things such as carbon levels, clouds, irradiation, and other factors that are crucial to understanding the planet’s climate and its variability.

And who might be negatively affected by an unbiased report showing the Earth is not getting warmer? I don't know, ask any one of the thousands of groups obtaining billions and billions of dollars (and Euros) in "climate change" research money. Or ask any of the powerful "climate czars" out there (and it seems as if every nation has one) if they are willing to sacrifice their careers on the alter of the truth...

So there are plenty of people with a motive. Simberg calls the task of sabotage here a "James Bondian challenge", but knowing how fanatical the global warmists are, and knowing how deeply embedded they are in government projects, how hard would it really be for one warmist to wink while the other climbed on the launchpad and tightened a few bolts, making release impossible? May, if you think Julian Assange gets a ton of chicks with his escapades, imagine what kind of tail these guys could score...

I will throw out one more suggestion, one possible culprit. Who is the biggest global warmist on the scene right now, with the most political power? Which person has refused to let America drill for oil even as we thirst for it, lacking any other real alternatives? Who is adamant about using global warming as an excuse to get cars off the road and move folks onto "high speed rail systems"? Who is sitting back and smirking as gas prices skyrocket while refusing to act, seeing it all play into a master plan to force a "green economy" on his nation?

Barack Hussein Obama, that's who. Among the many things he cannot afford, one would be The Truth, as any proof the planet is not warming would put the kibosh his plan to convert America to a "green" economy, destroy what little credibility he has left, and likely leave him open to either impeachment or charges of criminal negligence.

So a little whisper to a few men who simply obey orders, and Glory goes to Davey Jones' locker. Along with the truth....

Hey - it's not as if he hasn't done it before...

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