Sunday, May 1, 2011

President Obama–Absolute Brilliance on Playing His “Literal Trump” Card on His Birth Certificate At The Right Time! (Video)

If you didn’t see his speech at the 2011 Correspondent’s Dinner, this is a “must watch” as to whether or not you like him, agree with him or the opposite, this was a fabulous strategic move by the President and his imagestaff.  Also by being able to poke fun at himself, this also shows a great deal of confidence that comes with knowledge.  Here’s the full moment as captured by C-Span and you can watch his entire speech.  What at “Trump” card was played!  You hear the President all the time talking about those who get distracted and disrupted and pull our attention away from what really matters and what is important and that’s clearly the message I saw here <grin>.  It makes those very uncomfortable who do this too as transparency today shows everything <grin>. 


The sound on the video is a little low so turn up your sound a bit to hear.

President Obama Proves Disruption/Distraction of Many

I watched and it was certainly entertaining and I think goes to show that we have a much smarter President in office than some think, and this relates to his birth certificate.  He knew it was there and yet let the news and the public play on this for 3 years and look at the junk news it created, but on the other had it brought up face front all those today who get distracted, disrupted to the point of seeing beyond reality and what is important and the news did a good job of portraying those who do that, and it doesn't look good or give much credibility.

The President literally had a "Trump" card in hand and waited to play when he felt it was most appropriate and would serve to show some of the inadequacies we imagehave today with those out of touch with what is really important today and those who are “non participants” in the world of technology and ignorant of the facts of how it can help them better do their jobs.  It was a fantastically well thought strategy and I think a huge less for all to think about and when you think of it in those terms, he's one smart man and had the last laugh for sure.  I'm sure they use predictive modeling and for sure collaborate on all of this and stay focused as you can hear him make such comments in his speeches today, many times mentioned.   Here’s the example the White House put out making fun of the President’s prompter, very funny and shows up Biden snoozing away too.

President Obama Speech Trailer–Lost of Prompter

Unfortunately we have the other branches of government that need to use some intellectual technology to do the same as some of them were in fact all in the news with not pursuing a smarter method combined with ethics to make their points.  I give him and his staff a big thumbs up for this, brilliant.

We saw some efforts by having the US Constitution read out loud and that also turned out to be a mockery as pages stuck together and things were missed-why not read it from an Ipad for a simple example:) Digital illiteracy is causing problems at all ends of lawmaking today and the mockery continues as they are lost when finding real paradigms today and flat out just don't know where to take a stand when modern day business methodologies come in to play and we see all the items that played importance in the 70s and 80s resurfacing for some great soap opera antics that we get to view every night on the news, sadly as most is all non productive and puts us further behind the 8 ball.

Digital Illiteracy Still Plaguing Lawmakers With Not Using High Powered Technology to Model and Simulate Healthcare Laws–Ryan Hasn’t Figured Out He’s No White Hope Yet (Video)

Our Congress didn't even recognize the tech solutions when it was given a demonstration and put flat in their face and since IBM Watson was used on imageJeopardy I seem to believe they thought this server aggregation and smart query seeking technology was only a game.  The ability of judges to have all their information in full and the ability to make intelligent decisions that can eliminate some unintended consequences is too being challenged today, so again the President in holding his literal "Trump" card was brilliant.

Healthcare Reform Law– Is Any Judge Fully Capable of A Decision on a Law That is Challenged By Constantly Changing Algorithms?

The links in here go back to my prior posts on the topic of digital literacy and again hats off for some absolute brilliance here and as we watch the news and see where the world and the US is moving today, this is perhaps both a funny yet important message to not forget and hopefully it will stand to spur on the government “non participants” who make our laws today to come in to the 21st imagecentury and look at themselves (like we see them on the news).  Hopefully they will think again about current methodologies as I’m sure they want to be seen with respect and knowledge with a full understanding of how technology is both impacting and changing the world we live in today. So many of the dog and pony shows that clearly elaborate on politics and lack of digital illiteracy could certainly stand to be put in the “recycle bin” forever and maybe Joe Biden will make a bigger effort to remain awake in time too <grin>.  BD

YouTube - President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

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