Friday, March 25, 2011

Frank Lautenberg Soils Himself, Again...

....and all of New Jersey cringes in shame. Trust me, in the new political climate that has taken hold in the Garden State, there is little to no chance either of our Senatorial buffoons, Mr, Lautenberg or Bob Menendez (D-La Raza), will get re-elected.

Well, Lautenberg is 87 years old, so it is unlikely he'll go for it again in 2014. Based on his insane ramblings at some sort of pro-abortion rally the other day, perhaps it is best if he simply retires to the day room and stares quietly out the window for the remainder of his term. Via Hot Air:

… The Republicans in Congress claim they’re concerned about the budget balance, but it’s a disguise! It’s not true! It’s a lie! That’s not what they want. They want — they want other people not to be able to have their own opinions. They don’t deserve the freedoms that are in the Constitution! But we’ll give it to them anyway.

Sounds like Old Man Lautenberg is talking about Obamacare, actually. But perhaps, like the crazy geezer who I see in the Port Authority every day, it is best just to walk right by him and ignore his incoherent monologues. it is kinder to treat him thus, rather than take him seriously and force him to face his oncoming dementia...

FYI, that is what most of us are doing in Jersey these days, even many Democrats - just turning our heads and feeling a slight onrush of shame that he does "represent us" in the U.S. Senate. Of course, he does nothing of the sort, he merely represents the furthest-left interests of the Democratic party, despite the detrimental effect it has on the people he is paid to represent.

But this too will change. Menendez's (D-Illegal Immigrants) turn will come first...

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