Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cherie did Tony Blair on top of a double decker in London

Don't you guys just love it when the Ex Prime Ministers or their spouses get down and dirty in a show and tell memoirs. Cherie Blair is a case in point. She calls herself a "good catholic girl" and then goes on to reveal all that a "good catholic girl" probably would not do. We are not complaining, we just hope there are more good girls like her around so everyone can have some fun.

Cherie Blair revealed on Thursday how she found love (and more) with her husband-to-be Tony on a London double-decker bus .

The personal anecdotes were from a forthcoming autobiography in which she has also discussed how she three-timed Tony , and she calls herself a “good Catholic girl”. (wonder where we can find more "good catholic girls" ? They must be fun!)

In her memoirs Cherie tells how, when the couple were young lawyers, they ended up on a late-night bus together after a party at their legal chambers. “It was a double-decker and we went upstairs. It was completely empty and by the time we got off(they did get off) we knew each other better than when we’d got on(isn't it obvious, if you are able to get off). And even better the next morning(Now thats a good Catholic girl, no wonder they all go to heaven or 10 Downing Street),” she writes in her book, Speaking for Myself.

The trouble was, she was already linked with two other men (Don't you just love good catholic girls).

“Tony knew about John, but not about David (we got that one). John knew about David but not about Tony (errr..who knew about who and who did not know about who!!), and poor David fondly imagined I was living a quiet life of hard work in dreary London,” she wrote.

Within a year he had proposed to her, leading to married life and a growing family as Tony worked his way up the political ladder, becoming Labour Party leader and eventually sweeping into Downing Street in 1997.

Critics have noted how the revelations pose questions given her description of herself as a “good Catholic girl”. (Critics be damned, We think she is a good girl...imagine three timing...I just love good girls)
The former British premier angrily scolded her on their last day in Downing Street, when Cherie — whose relations with the press had long been strained — told photographers she would not miss them as she left Downing Street — the last words of their time at number 10.

Once in the car, Tony was livid. “‘You can’t resist it, can you?’ Tony said through clenched teeth as the door closed behind me. ‘For God’s sake, you’re supposed to be dignified, you’re supposed to be gracious’,” (Hey man, she is the same dignified girl you did on top of the double decker)

“We had discussed it so often: leaving was to be on his terms and was to be done with dignity and grace.... It was not my day, it was Tony’s day(not John or David's last day). I knew it, and he knew it,(John and David did not know it) and I sat beside him feeling both foolish and small.”
Don't fret lady, you are getting paid £1.5 million for sharing the down and dirty with the public.

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