Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Freeze Your Gizzard Half-Marathon

It was cloudy and 1 degrees and windy. The Freeze Your Gizzard Half-Marathon and 10km at Atlantic Fitness Centre in Montague.

The course in Montague and country side double loop.

Leo McCosham won the race and Rebecca Pike for the top female. David Thompson won the 10km and Kara Grant for the top female.

I wore a new shoes. I ran the first loop was slow down at 6km big hill in second loop I wore gloves and jacket off to warm enough.

I finished in 2:08:40 and came in 57th out of 62 runners. The leg muscle hurt at 2km but I finish. It was a Olympic Spirit.

This Friday I will attend PEI Roadrunners Award Banquet. I made a slideshow.

More Photos

Official Result: 57th out of 62
Half-Marathon in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 40 seconds

A Hot Ainsley Earhardt Hosting America's Newsroom

From America's Newsroom yesterday, this is FOX News babe Ainsley Earhardt with the slight peek at her leggage. If anyone should do a Crest commercial, it's Ainsley, just look at those chicklets, they are damn near perfect, like the rest of her face and body as well. Enjoy...

Ainsley is such a doll,

Screencaps courtesy of spinner at the Hi-Def News Caps blog.

A Hot Leggy Emma Crosby on GMTV

From earlier in the week I'm assuming this is British news babe Emma Crosby on GMTV showing off her hot legs. I remember when she was still with Sky News and came to co-host FOX Business one day, that was hot. Looks like GMTV is workin' out well for her, and us too.

Sweet leggy Emma,

Picture courtesy of Trailblazer at the SuperiorPics forum.

BLOG CRUSH: Mar's Farce and Melancholy

Hey Slicer's Maria started her own Tumblr account which she's really excited about.
She'll be posting mainly about photography, but also about music, films and other things that she loves. She'll also be doing some photography "how-to" posts. I.E. how to start your own dark room, and things like that.

Check it out and support her here:

Proud as Punch,


Images by: Highwaygirl67

Tonight every television in the country will be set to the Canada vs USA gold medal men's hockey game.

This is the game that Canadians and Americans live for. The old rivalry between two neighbour nations. Two teams full of NHL All-Stars, the majority of which play side-by-side for their respective teams during the year, but once every 4 years the Olympics rolls around and the men must divide and conquer while draped in their nations colours.

There is no single sport closer to the heart of Canadians than hockey. We live it and we breathe it. We are the birth nation of the sport. It is ours... and only ours.

Sharing a boarder with one of the most self-righteous and self-proclaiming nations on the planet is not easy, which makes CAN/USA hockey games so important to the Canadian identity. We lose our great singers, actors and biggest brains to the US daily. We allow Hollywood to champion north and film their blockbuster hits in our nation while calling it "America". We let them have our game of basketball, we've shared our precious beers, we even allow their 18 & 19 year old teenagers across the boarder to drink alcohol legally, premature of their 21st birthday.

There is only one thing that we refuse to share with our American brothers and sisters. And that my friends, is HOCKEY.

It is ALL WE HAVE LEFT. It is the only thing they have yet to take from us, and we'll be damned if we see them take it from us in our OWN COUNTRY.


With Glowing Hearts,


Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Incredibly Hot is Liz Claman of FBN?

I have no idea when these were taken, but here is the always busty, always leggy Liz Claman of FOX Business showing off all her assets. My goodness, does it get any better than this? I don't think so. I haven't seen Liz as hot as this in a long time if not ever. The first picture has me thinking all kind of stuff. Anyways, enjoy them y'all for the weekend...

The Red Rocket is smokin',

Screencaps courtesy of sparty and Sweaterfan at the TvNewsCaps forum.

A Wickedly Hot Leggy Alisyn Camerota on FOX and Friends

From earlier in the week this is FOX news babe Alisyn Camerota in a incredibly short red dress showing off her fantastic legs. I envy the guy she's interviewing, he's got a front row seat to the greatest leg show on television.

Alisyn knows how to do it up right,

Screencaps courtesy of joeycap666 the Wide World of Women forum.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dwights Tribute to Canada

Since the Vancouver Olympics began a few weeks ago, Canada seems to have become the object of the worlds affection. (At least that's what we're telling ourselves).

Dwight from NBC's The Office gives you a quick rundown of essential Canadian facts.

We came across this video on twitter via @adriennepierce


A Busty Leggy Robin Meade on Morning Express

Now with Robin Meade on her show Morning Express on CNN Headline, just a fantastic front, side, and couch shots of Robin, in all her hotness. A bonus add with Jennifer Westhoven in the background there. There's just something about Robin that is so damn alluring.

Nobody tops Robin,

Screencaps courtesy of Cobra the Wide World of Women forum.